The Council’s CIL Spending Protocol sets out how CIL spending is administered in Havant borough.

In respect of new Strategic CIL Allocations, we are in the process of assessing priority schemes for Strategic CIL funding and delivery. The Council is keen to hear from organisations with the responsibility and/or ability to deliver the projects identified in the Corporate Strategy. External organisations are integral to the delivery of this strategy and the Council is looking to work in partnership to support development, and so funding is open to such organisations. 

If your organisation would be interested in using CIL as part of a wider funding package to deliver strategic infrastructure in Havant Borough, please submit an expression of interest (maximum one page) describing the project, its benefits and links to the Corporate Strategy , the funding ask, details of match funding and timescales to delivery. This should be received by us by 20th September 2024. Following review we will then follow up with a request for more detailed information.  Please note we only have limited funds available at this time and we recommend you discuss your proposal in advance of submission of your expression of interest.

Any proposal should also:

  • Be identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). As the IDP can be timebound, projects proposed that would be suitable for inclusion in this document will also be considered
  • Understand Strategic CIL is unlikely to fund projects in full.  The Council expects delivery teams and organisations to identify and bring to the table other sources of funding that will contribute to the delivery of the projects seeking Strategic CIL funding
  • Be in line with the Council’s Corporate Strategy, including any relevant supporting strategies such as the Regeneration Strategy
  • Relate to fixed infrastructure/'immovable' items
  • Go beyond pure maintenance to improve an asset or provide a new asset
  • Be a capital project
  • Deliver clear and significant benefits to users/the community
  • Last long term (minimum 10 years) without having to be replaced or upgraded
  • Be for project delivery, rather than solely project development or feasibility

Any queries should be directed to or the Development Infrastructure Team Leader 0743 555 3852

What expenditure of CIL funds has been agreed to date?

Full details of past funding decisions can be found on our Community Infrastructure Levy spending decisions page.