Havant Borough Council looks to the future with a revised Local Plan

Following a full council meeting, Havant Borough Council has agreed to withdraw the Local Plan examined by the Planning Inspectorate in 2021 and develop a revised plan. This plan will not only best reflect the post-pandemic world we now live in, but also the most current approaches to securing development and the latest environmental policies.

Whilst the new Local Plan is developed, the council will hold to six decision making principles to inform and define development in the borough. These will provide suitable direction and assurance for residents and developers alike until the new plan is formally adopted.

Councillor Alex Rennie, Leader of Havant Borough Council, said "I look forward to working on a revised Local Plan which addresses both the concerns of the planning inspectors and local residents. In addition, our revised Local Plan will be cleaner, greener and more environmentally conscious in line with our Climate Change and Environment Strategy.

“We have a lot of work ahead to deliver the sound Local Plan our borough deserves and we look forward to engaging with residents as we go through that process.”

View our dedicated webpages for the latest information on Local Plan work - and an introductory document on the latest developments.