It is important you are on the electoral register so you can vote in upcoming elections and referendums. If your name does not appear on the electoral register, you will be unable to vote.

Registering to vote takes less than 5 minutes and all you need is your date of birth and national insurance number.

If you are unsure as to whether your name appears on the electoral register or not, you can email to find out.

Formal notice on the publication of Revised Register of Electors 2043 can be viewed here.

You can register to vote online at: Register to vote - GOV.UK

If you do not have a computer at home or need assistance in registering online, there are people that can help you at the council offices.  There are also public machines that you can access and use to register to vote or apply for other things like a voter authority certificate.

If you need somebody to help you, call the elections team on 02392 446225 or email

Who can vote?

To vote in a UK Parliamentary or Local Government election you must:

  • Be registered to vote - Register to vote - GOV.UK
  • Be 18 or over on the day of the election
  • Be a British, Irish, Commonwealth or EU citizen**
  • Be registered at an address in the area you want to vote in (local election only)
  • We update the register of electors on the first working day of each month.

EU citizens

EU citizens are no longer automatically entitled to register, vote, or stand for election, this was introduced from May 2024.

Two groups of EU citizens will keep these rights.

You can find out more by visiting the Electoral Commission’s website.

Overseas Voters

UK citizens living abroad and are eligible, can vote in UK Parliamentary general elections.

As of January 2024, any British citizen, who was previously registered to vote in the UK or who previously lived in the UK, will be able to register to vote regardless of how long they have lived abroad.

Note, however, that overseas electors cannot vote at local elections.

More information on this can be found by visiting the Electoral Commission’s website.

Student Voting

If you are voting as a student, you may be able to register to both your home and university addresses.

Even if you are registered in two areas, at home and at university, you can only vote once at a general election.

However, if your home and university addresses are in two different local authority areas, you can vote in local elections in both.

‘It is a criminal offence to vote twice in a UK general election’

Anonymous voting

Anonymous registration is available for people meeting certain requirements, whose safety, or the safety of someone in the same household, is at risk. People registered anonymously appear on the electoral register without their name and address.

For information and a form for registering anonymously, go to: Register to vote anonymously.

To find out more about registering to vote and eligibility, go to: Your Vote Matters.

HM Forces

Service personnel have a choice of how they register. You may register annually as an ordinary elector via the canvass form, or every five years as a Service Elector.

For more information and an application form to register as a Service voter you should contact your Unit’s Electoral Registration Officer. Alternately you can complete a service voter registration online at Service voter registration rights extend to spouses.


Why do I need to register?

You need to register so that you can vote in an election as well as obtain credit on your credit report. If you aren’t registered to vote, you won’t have the chance to have a say on who represents you.

How do I register?

1) If you are eligible to register to vote, go to

2) Fill in your name, address, date of birth and a few other details. You’ll also need your national insurance number, which can be found on your national insurance card, or in official paperwork such as payslips, or letters about benefits or tax credits.

3) Look out for a confirmation to say you’re registered.

I have moved address - how do I change it?

You need to register every time you move house. Please register your new address online at

I have changed my name - what do I need to do?

If you have changed your name, we will need to see evidence of this, such as a marriage or civil partnership certificate, an amended birth certificate, or deed poll. Please forward your name change evidence to us on email to

I have no fixed address - can I register?

If you have no fixed address, you can still register to vote. Please click to find the Application to vote if you haven't got a fixed or permanent address form.

I have a second home - where do I register to vote?

Individuals who reside between two homes may register at both addresses if they are able to satisfy the general residency criteria above. It is not an offence to register twice, but you may only vote once in any particular election.

Do I have to pay to register?

Registering to vote is free and you should not be charged for this. Please visit to submit your application for registration.

I pay my Council tax, why am I not on the register?

Anyone who has recently moved house should make sure that they make a fresh application to register to vote at their new address as this is not done automatically when you contact Council Tax and is often something that gets forgotten.

What if I can’t access email to send you documents?

If you don’t have access to, or can’t use email, you can write to us by using our Freepost postal address:


Havant Borough Council

Public Service Plaza

Civic Centre Road
