Hampshire County Council and Sustrans have now produced the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) covering the Havant borough area and which replaces our former cycle strategy and walking strategy.

This LCWIP will now act as an evidence base for the improvement of existing, and the development of future, cycling and walking networks across the borough; it also supports relevant external funding bids for these infrastructure schemes.

The LCWIP for Havant Borough can be downloaded from the Hampshire County Council website.

Cycle routes

The LCWIP identifies a network of primary and secondary cycle routes. These are the main routes connecting main destinations and places of interest such as schools, stations, employment centres and shopping areas.

Other feeder routes will be identified in a later phase of study, lead by Havant Borough Council. As a first step in this work we are publishing our aspirational cycle map.

This is a version of our existing cycle map which shows what the cycle network might look like in 2036.

We are also publishing, alongside this aspirational map, an additional plan for making the cycle network more understandable by introducing a system of route numbering which could be applied to wayfinding along the routes highlighted.

We would invite your comments on these plans.


Funding for schemes identified in the LCWIP would be from a variety of sources, which may of course change over time in line with government policy.

Currently we would look to Section 106 or 278 agreements with developers for the primary and secondary LCWIP routes, and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or other dedicated funds (such as the Transforming Cities Fund) for the more local tertiary routes.