Havant Borough Council is seeking to improve our play areas in the borough and want to hear from our residents on what provision is needed.

Subject to funding, the council is looking to invest towards improving the play area sites in our area, in line with the Corporate Strategy aim to enable quality spaces for children to play in.

These sites will be prioritised based on a number of factors. This includes the condition of the existing play equipment and anticipated life expectancy, the level of play value and enjoyment opportunity for children and the geographical spread and accessibility of existing high quality play provision.

For these projects, we are keen to ensure any refurbishment meets the needs of the local community and that any future provision is suitable, fun and long-lasting. Therefore we want your feedback on the latest play area to be considered for refurbishment, and your input will help us shape the specification and design of the new play areas.

To see the latest play area engagement project and submit your views, please click here.

To view information about our previous play area engagement projects since 2022, this can be also be accessed via the above link.

If you have any queries on this, please contact insight@havant.gov.uk