The Development Consultation Forum is a platform for a developer to share their proposal with the council and interested community groups along with the public before moving onto the planning application stage.
For this reason, we invite feedback for the developers to consider in the pre-application period.
There is no formal consultation and 5 days is a guideline for feedback to be submitted promptly. You can take a little longer to reply and your comments will still be forwarded to the developer.
If and when a planning application is received, the standard 21 days public consultation period will apply.
The meeting is held in public but is not a public meeting and therefore only invited speakers, councillors and officers can contribute.
Any person with views on the proposal is encouraged to contact their Councillor or community representative. Members of the public can attend the forum to listen to the debate, with the option of completing feedback forms or emailing their feedback to the Planning Services team after the meeting.
Forum details
Forum 51 – Land at Palk Road, Havant
Proposal – Redevelopment of the site to provide c.90 dwellings with access from West Street via Palk Road, and areas of open space adjacent to Hermitage Stream.
Tuesday 23 August, Hurstwood Room (Council Chamber), Public Service Plaza, Display from 5.30pm, Meeting 6-8pm.
Case Officer: Gary Christie
- Forum 51 briefing note (pdf 225 kb)
- Forum 51 Developer Presentation (pdf 6.6 mb)
- Proposal feedback form (word 30 kb)
- Palk Road DCF - LPA Presentation (pdf 2.76 mb)
Forum 50 – Land at Kingscroft Farm, Meyrick Road, Havant
Proposal – Proposed development of land at Kingscroft Farm for up to 164 dwellings together with associated parking, amenity space provision, landscaping and access from Abrams Way.
Tuesday 7 January 2020, Hurstwood Room (Council Chamber), Public Service Plaza, Display from 5.30pm, Meeting 6-8pm.
Case Officer: Lewis Oliver
- Forum 50 location plan (pdf 283 kb)
- Forum 50 briefing note (pdf 2 mb)
- Forum 50 Local Authority Presentation and Q&A (pdf 847 kb)
- Forum 50 Developers Presentation (pdf 1.5 mb)
Forum 49 – Land adjacent Bosmere Medical Centre, Solent Road
Proposal – New headquarters building for Portsmouth Water and new commercial buildings
Tuesday 22 October 2019, Hurstwood Room (Council Chamber), Public Service Plaza, Display from 5.30pm, Meeting 6-8pm.
Case Officer: David Eaves
- Forum 49 - Proposal feedback form (word 1.7 mb)
- Forum 49 - Briefing note (pdf 1.7 mb)
- Forum 49 - Location Planning Authority presentation and Q&A (pdf 1.2 mb)
- Forum 49 - Developer presentation (pdf 1.7 mb)
Forum 48 – Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Road, Havant
Proposal – (1) Outline permission for part demolition and reconfiguration of Building 1000 and reconfiguration of car park layout and (2) detailed permission for new employment (B1c, B2 and B8) units.
Tuesday 21 May 2019, Hurstwood Room (Council Chamber), Public Service Plaza, Display from 5.30pm, Meeting 6-8pm.
Case Officer: David Eaves
- Forum 48 Proposal feedback form (word 30 kb)
- Forum 48 Briefing note (pdf 987 kb)
- Forum 48 Location plan (pdf 262 kb)
- Forum 48 Developer presentation (pdf 10.1 mb)
- Forum 48 Q&A (pdf 514 kb)
Forum 47 – Land west of Hulbert Road, Havant
Proposal – Development of 120 apartments for private rental and with some plots for self-build dwellings, with access from Hulbert Road.
Case Officer: Steve Weaver
- Forum 47 Proposal feedback form (word 30 kb)
- Forum 47 Briefing note (pdf 6.4 mb)
- Forum 47 Location plan (pdf 4.1 mb)
Forum 46 – Padnell Grange, Waterlooville
Proposal – Development of 86 new homes (inc 25 affordable dwellings).
- Forum 46 Proposal feedback form (word 30 kb)
- Forum 46 Briefing note (pdf 717 kb)
- Forum 46 Location plan (pdf 172 kb)
- Forum 46 Site layout (pdf 4.8 mb)
- Forum 46 Developer presentation (pdf 8 mb)
- Forum 46 Local Planning Authority presentation and Q&A (pdf 750 kb)
Forum 45 – Land West of the Crematorium, Bartons Road, Havant
Proposal – Development of 81 new homes plus ancillary open space, including community orchard.
- Forum 45 Proposal feedback form (work 29 kb)
- Forum 45 DCF Briefing note (pdf 4 kb)
- Forum 45 Location plan (pdf 1.4 mb)
- Forum 45 DCF agenda (pdf 131 kb)
- Forum 45 Developer presentation (pdf 1.7 mb)
- Forum 45 Local Planning Authority presentation and Q&A (pdf 1 mb)
Forum 44 – Land at Lower Road, Bedhampton
Proposal – Development of up to 50 dwellings.
- Forum 44 Proposal feedback form (word 48 kb)
- Forum 44 DCF Agenda (pdf 130 kb)
- Forum 44 Developer Briefing note (pdf 230 kb)
- Forum 44 Location plan (pdf 239 kb)
- Forum 44 Developer Presentation (pdf 1.7 mb)
- Forum 44 Local Planning Authority presentation (pdf 1.3 mb)
- Forum 44 Save Old Bedhampton presentation (pdf 74 kb)
- Forum 44 West Bedhampton Residents Association notes (pdf 32 kb)
Forum 43 – Land North of Long Copse Lane, Emsworth
Proposal – Comprehensive development of up to 260 new homes and associated parking, open space and surface water drainage on 14.25 hectare site.
- Forum 43 Proposal feedback form (word 31 kb)
- Forum 43 Developer briefing note (pdf 5 mb)
- Forum 43 Developer presentation (pdf 14.1 mb)
- Forum 43 Location plan (pdf 545 kb)
- Forum 43 Masterplan (pdf 3.6 mb)
- Forum 43 Havant Borough Council's presentation (pdf 1.1 mb)
Forum 42 - Campdown, College Road, Waterlooville
Proposal – Residential development of circa 735 units.
- Forum 42 Proposal feedback form (word 29 kb)
- Forum 42 Developer briefing note (pdf 530 kb)
- Forum 42 Developer presentation (pdf 3.5 mb)
- Forum 42 Local Authority presentation (pdf 1.2 mb)
- Forum 42 Red Line Plan (pdf 168 kb)