Havant pub officially made important community asset

Havant Borough Council has accepted a nomination from a community group to list a popular Leigh Park pub as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

The Friends of the Swallow community group nominated the pub as an ACV, which is a building or other land that’s main use is, or in the recent past has been used, to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the community. 

Based on the evidence, the council is satisfied that The Swallow passed the relevant test and has made the decision to list it as an ACV.

Being listed as an ACV means if an owner intends to sell the asset, they must give notice to the local authority and a community interest group then has six weeks to ask to be treated as a potential bidder.

This means communities have the opportunity to keep these buildings in public use, with a view to ensure they remain a social hub.

The Swallow, in partnership with Park Community School, runs the MUNCH Pantry, a community pantry that caters for those in need. It also offers help to residents with reading and writing.

As well as looking out for those who are vulnerable and isolated, the pub also holds functions, has raised money for local charities through fundraising events and, before the coronavirus pandemic, offered a sports programme including cricket, football, pool and darts teams.

Councillor Alex Rennie, Leader of Havant Borough Council said: “The Swallow is a vital community hub for Leigh Park and has helped vulnerable residents throughout such a difficult time.

“I am thrilled that we can accept this listing, as it means we have the potential to keep it in the ownership of the community that it works so hard to serve.”

To find out more about Assets of Community Value, visit the Havant Borough Council website.