Council views on approach to national housing targets shared with government

Modern housing in Havant Borough

Havant Borough Council has responded to a central government consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) highlighting its concerns, suggesting actions going forward and drawing attention to local nuances that need considering against a national context.

The government consultation was open to all for their views. The 106 questions included within it covered a wide range of topics regarding the NPPF, which will be used to update the planning system and help achieve aims to boost national economic growth. Havant Borough Council is supportive of numerous propositions raised in the consultation, such as prioritising social rent housing, public health initiatives and early years provision. It also duly acknowledges the general need to build new houses - and delivering the right sort of housing to meet local requirements. However, Havant Borough Council has also highlighted a number of key points to government including:

  • Government recognition of their need to provide investment locally into critical, supporting infrastructure to ensure house building is effective, sustainable and actively benefits local communities
  • Greater clarity from the outset from government on the details behind suggested revisions of the NPPF - for example, how wider sub-regional work across multiple authorities would work in practice and help collectively address the housing crisis
  • How to address a recognised trend within the development industry to prioritise the use of greenfield sites over brownfield sites - the latter of which the council fully endorses the development of (with supporting government investment to incentivise)

The council also draws attention to where it feels local ownership of some targets would provide greater benefit and welcomes any additional clarity that can be introduced into the framework.

The Leader of Havant Borough Council, Councillor Phil Munday stated "The need for the borough - and the nation as a whole - to provide additional housing through meeting targets is recognised and understood. The council welcomes the opportunity to engage with the government through their consultation and hope it can help contribute to a framework which better supports housing provision.

That being said, we must also acknowledge the constraints our borough works within and a national ‛one size meets all’ approach must have some flexibility for us to successfully work within.

As a council, we are acutely aware of our cherished coastal landscape to the south, and the environmental considerations we are both honour bound and legally bound to meet. Ensuring these are understood in securing achievable targets for housing delivery is a prime concern, and we look forward with interest to see how the government will listen and adapt the NPPF to meet local and national need."

For more information on the government's consultation, click here.  Havant Borough Council's response can be viewed here.