Notification of Two or Less Machines
The Gambling Act 2005 provides an automatic entitlement to alcohol licence holders to make available two gaming machines (of category C or D) for use in alcohol-licensed premises. To take advantage of this entitlement, the person who holds the on-premises alcohol licence must give notice to the licensing authority of their intention to make gaming machines available for use, and must pay the prescribed fee.
- The premises must be licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises
- The person making the notification must be the licence holder
- The premises must not be subject to any licence requirements that alcohol is to be served only with food
- The premises must have a bar for serving alcohol to customers on the premises.
There is no annual fee, the permit is of unlimited duration and remains valid so long as the premises licence to which it is linked remains valid and qualifies for the automatic entitlement. If the premises licence is transferred to another person the notification will lapse. The new licence holder would need to make new notification.
Apply via post:
Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit
A premises authorised for the sale of alcohol under a premises licence (issued under the Licensing Act 2003) may apply for a Gaming Machine Permit. The licensing authority may issue a Gaming Machine Permit for any number of category C or D machines on licensed premises.
Where a permit authorises the making available of a specified number of gaming machines in particular premises, this will effectively replace, and not be in addition to any automatic entitlement to two machines under section 282 of the Gambling Act 2005.
Holders of Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permits will be required to comply with the Gambling Commission’s code of practice with regards to the location and operation of machines.
For more information on the categories of gaming machines, please refer to the Gambling Commission for the most up-to-date specifications.
Apply via post:
Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre (UFEC)
Unlicensed family entertainment centres (UFECs) require a permit from the local licensing authority. Permits have effect for 10 years unless they are surrendered or lapse.
UFECs are most commonly found at seaside resorts, airports or at motorway service centres. They are family friendly and also cater to unaccompanied children and young people.
UFECs are only be able to offer category D machines. Any number of category D machines can be made available with such a permit (subject to other considerations, such as fire regulations and health and safety, which will not be issues for the licensing authority under the Gambling Act).
Apply via post:
Prize Gaming Permit
A prize gaming permit is a permit issued by the licensing authority to authorise the provision of facilities for gaming with prizes on specified premises.
Apply via post:
Temporary Use Notice (TUN)
A Temporary Use Notice (TUN) allows the holder of an operating licence to temporarily provide facilities for gambling that are not licensed under a premises licence. Premises such as hotels, conference centres or sporting venues may wish to use a TUN to temporarily provide facilities for gambling, such as poker tournaments.
Please refer to the Council's list of fees.
An annual fee is due for all licences and permits. The fee is due on the anniversary of the licence or permit issue date.
Responsible Authorities
Applications must be sent to relevant Responsible Authorities, either via post or email, by the applicant.