The Planning Enforcement Plan has been drafted to ensure a clear framework and a consistent approach to dealing with all planning enforcement cases across the borough.
- Planning Enforcement Plan (pdf 681 kb)
Havant Borough Council planning service deals with around 800-1000 applications every year including planning permission, advertisement consent, listed building and conservation area consent, prior approvals for telecommunications equipment, demolitions and to carry out work to protected trees.
The majority of applications are approved, often with detailed conditions attached or a requirement for additional obligations e.g. the signing of a ‘Section 106’ Agreement between the Council and the applicant.
Conditions attached to permissions can require various details to be approved prior to commencement of the development and failure to do this is a breach of planning control and in some circumstances (e.g. where conditions go to the ‘heart’ of the permission) can render any subsequent development as unauthorised.
Depending upon the nature of any planning obligation, this also applies to any failure to carry out its terms.
It is beneficial to all applicants if any failure relating to non-compliance is addressed as soon as possible.
The document was available for public consultation between Friday 10 July and Friday 14 August and approved by Full Council on 14th October 2015.